Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I played a piece called "Come Back to Sorennto." I was nervous and sick when I went up there. I thought I was going to faint. I thought I would never make it through the play. Somehow I managed to make it. The play was called "A Little House Christmas." It was about the Ingalls family getting together for Christmas. I was Carrie Ingalls.
After the recital we had snacks they were so good. They were refreshing after hard work. I had juice, cookies, donuts, crackers, bagel, and lots of other things. I was happy I got the play and stuff over with. I was also proud of myself for doing it. Would you be proud of yourself?
I had a great day that day afterwards we went to the mall and went to Sonic. I had chicken and chocolate milkshake. It was good!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
I love to eat turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie with extra whipped cream! Yum! Don't those sound really good to you? No offense, but if you don't there has to be something wrong with you!!!! No really I mean it. Don't worry I'll still like you.
I also like seeing my family. It is nice after you haven't seen them for a long time. It is fun to play with cousins and things like that.
My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the desert. What it's good!!!! Is your favorite part desert too?
Well I had a great Thanksgiving! I hope you did too. Well gobble gobble bye!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Caden b-day tonight
I can not believe Caden is 3 already. It seems like he was just born. It is a little sad to see him grow up, yet I also find it interesting. I guess he seems to like growing up. It just is so weird!
We got him a car thing. It goes down a mountain. I hope he will like it. He probably will. Do you think Caden will like it?
I am going to make him a card with a big three on it. Maybe I will put footballs and baseballs on it. I am really sure Caden would really like it.
Well I have to get going. I will probably see most of you tonight. By!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

First when we got there we saw the planetarium show. It was really cool. It looked like you were flying through the screen. Some parts were really funny. Others were gross. For example we saw a naked human body. Like the worker said some parts made me feel really dizzy.
Next we went to see a huge telescope. It was named Rachel. I have never thought of naming a telescope. When a worker checked to see if we were listening he told us you went up in stilts to look into it. We did not believe him. The amazing part about this telescope it was 20 inches in diameter. Compared to little telescopes that is totally immense.
Last,but definitely not least we did are mission. The mission was we pretended that were really in mission control and on the spacecraft. I started out in mission control and halfway through went on the spacecraft. My job was a communications officer. That is a totally important job. I transferred all of the messages to the people on the spacecraft or mission control. The mission was trying to find Halley's comet and launch a probe into it. When I went on the spacecraft I was in charge of the cameras. It was so fun.
My favorite thing was the mission. It was really fun. I think it was a great experience and was really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
If you do not flush the toilet people will not want to came to your house. It will make them sick and grossed out. If you are getting sick a lot then no wonder. Maybe that will teach you to flush the toilet!
Lots of other bad things will happen. It could make the whole house smell like crap! Think about whoever cleans the toilet! You are probably making there life miserable. I mean wouldn’t you puke if you had to clean a toilet full of crap! If whoever cleans the toilet is working for you they might quit. So maybe you should think about this.
If you won’t flush the toilet you will probably kill someone. You will wreck the environment. Everybody will hat

Please start flushing the toilet. If this doesn’t work I don’t know what will. Flush the toilet!!!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
She thinks it will shed to much hair. Well I would clean it up. I would vacuum it. Besides she doesn’t think I would get a cat with a foot of fur. That would kind of be cool though.
My mom also said that lots of people are allergic to cats. They never come over. If for some weird reason they did than I would make sure every thing had no cat hair on it. When they came over I would put the cat in one place that they wouldn’t go.
She does not know who would take care of the cat if we went on vacation. Well usually we only go camping. My dad does not go really much so he could take care of it. If he did go we would just get are neighbor or someone to feed it while we were gone.
She does not like the litterbox. I would keep it clean! If the cat made a mess (which he probably wouldn’t) I would clean it up.
She is worried that Daisy our dog would get her. The cat would be an inside cat. If it had to go outside I would make sure that it would not go any where near Daisy.
Those are my arguments why I should have a cat. I want a cat badly. Help any way you can puleeeeese!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
It was a long car ride. It was three hours. I did not bring any thing for the car so I was bored. I played my brothers D.S though. I was exited to get out of the car when we got there. There was something weird though someone was in our campsite. We got confused so we went over to my aunt Darlene's campsite. They said they had traded campsites with somebody. We played some games and then went back to are campsite. While my mom was setting up we watched Uncle Buck. She finally set up and we went to bed.
The next day I got up and read some books to my cousins. They liked that. My Auntie went to the bathroom with Ashlyn so I watched Caden and Makena. We played in the tent for a little bit. Then we went outside. I had breakfast and then I fed Makena some baby food. I don't think she liked it because she kept spitting it out. We went on a bike ride to a beach and played. I played in the sand. I dug a deep hole and a ditch to the creech so water could flow in. I also tried to catch fish in a bucket I was so close. Then it was time to go. I went on the beach to dry off and some body stole my shoes. I wanted to kill that horid person. I had to ride my bike with no shoes. We went and got Ice cream. I got mikshake and fries. After that we went to the Indian Village. We saw cool indian things and got to touch deer fur and bear fur. We went back to the campsite and ate dinner. I got pizza. I went for a walk in the dark. there were gazillions of stars! We went to the meadow and looked at the stars. It was awsome. We got back and went to bed. the next morning we had to leave. We stopped at some places on the way out. I saw a coyote. It was cool. I had such a fun time.
Yosemite is so cool. If you have not gone to Yosemite you are crazy. I love Yosemite.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
D. L. Bliss
Friday, August 28, 2009
Gold treasures everywhere! This was cool. I went to the De-young museum to see king Tut’s gold from his tomb. It was sooo cool. Find out what I saw now.
Right in San Francisco California USA in the De-young museum, they have 3000 year old gold from Ancient Egypt. It was magnificent. When we got there I had a nervous stomach. I was excited. I was going to see real treasure that people had found. WOW!!! Read on and you will see what happens.
Everybody in are group waited for everyone to get there before we could go inside. Finally everybody was there. We went inside and waited in line. Half of our group went and in about 10-20 minutes the rest went. We went in this room and watched a 90 second video. Then doors opened. See what happens next.
We went inside and the lights turned on I’ll tell you about a few treasures we saw. These were the coolest ones. In the first room we saw lots of 3000 year old statues and pots. We saw all kinds of Ancient things. The coolest things were A treasure chest and a model ship. In the second room we saw a few statues and so on. In the third room we saw cool things too. In the fourth room the same. In the sixth, seventh and eighth and tenth room however. I saw gold everywhere. Golden statues, chairs, footrests. Oh it was awesome, but wait I didn’t tell you what was in the 8th and 10th rooms. The 8th room had King Tut’s great grandma’s funerary mask and coffin. They were pure gold and in the 10th room the last and final room it had a solid gold dagger and a solid gold crown.
That visit was so cool. I wish you could of seen it. I will remember my visit to the De-young museum forever.
Help!!! There are dangerous drivers out there. That could cause lots of problems. It is terrible.
Some people may not care about it, but this will change there mind .Dangerous driving is a major problem because it may cause wrecks, mess up roads, or it can hit people. We don’t want that to happen. At least I don’t. If you’re a dangerous driver please stop. You are hurting people.
If you still don’t care look at what causes the problem. Here is what causes the problem. There are drunk drivers out there. There are also people who just think they could get away with being a dangerous driver. They actually do get away with it!!!!! There are not enough cops so that causes people to be a dangerous driver.
This problem could probably be solved. I have an idea how. To solve this problem we need more cops and more experienced cops. If the cops find dangerous drivers they need to give them a ticket or they need to take the drivers to jail depending on how bad it is. Tax and the tickets people get will pay for the cops.

If you are a dangerous driver please stop. I hope that this paper makes people stop being a dangerous driver. I never want to be a dangerous driver and neither do you!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I went to Mt. Hermon. It was awsome! I did lots of fun things. Read this and you will find out what I did.
I went to kids camp. It is really fun. we got to do Gameroom, boats,creech, and climing wall and ridge course. I liked the ridge course the best. I did the leap of faith and the cat walk. Jacobs ladder wasn't open. I got to do the climing wall with my grandma. At the night time we did really fun games. Once we even did a night swim. Now that was cool.
We were staying at a campsite. It was really cold in the night,but I was O.K. We met a kid named Michael. he was nice. It was nice to have a friend really close. One time my cousin Myra spent the night at are campsite. that was pretty fun.
I went to the beach one time. I boogie boarded a little. there was lots of kelp,but I got used to it. on the way back to the car we saw dolphins. It was great.
Well I guess thats all. I can't wait until next year. By for now.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Whiskeytown Lake
When we got there I was sweating and hungry from a 4 hour drive in the blazing hot weather with no food towing a boat. Got out of the car and rushed to the shade. Boy was it hot. We came with lots of people the Dulkeviches, foxes, Critchfeilds, Rushes, and Tempelmans. I rushed down to our beach sight saw the kids and jumped into the water with them. I studied the lake. Here is what I thought.
Wow this is awesome. It was flat and perfect for boating. Is was cold, but so refreshing in the 107 degree weather. You could fish in it ( there was lots of fish ). You could take a bath in it I did. It was so nice.
I went on the boat it was really fun. I went really fast on the tube. I didn’t go knee boarding. I was to scared. I fished and I got one which was cool. I don’t remember what it was called though.
The weather was hot!!!!!!!!!! Every day it was at least 103 degrees. One day it was 111 degrees. Isn’t that hot!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing there was a lake I would probably die of heat.
Our camp site was on the lake because we had a boat. I slept in a tent with my mom and dad. The boys slept in a different tent our campsite was nice and big and gave us enough room. The only thing I didn’t like it was far from the bathroom and the bathroom only had two stalls. Still I had a nice time.
Going camping at Whiskey Town was a great experience. I will remember it forever. I had such a great time.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I went to Vacation Bible School ( VBS ). It is Fun. If you want to know what it is reading this would be a great idea. Or else you will have a hard time trying to find information.
First you sign in. You grab your name tag and meet with your age group. your group will have a name. my was named the owls. When it is time to go to the opening your teacher makes you line up. Then you walk to the place you go when you sing. After my group was done singing here is what we did. First we went to the craft station. My group was the oldest so we did the coolest crafts. I really enjoyed crafts in fact it was my favorite station. Crafts are my favorite thing to do next to reading.
Next we went to lesson time. We learned about God. If we got to go up and read we got a funny nickname that was drawn. My brother got Dusty Sky.
Then we had snack. Yum Yum Yum they were good ( except for the green raisins ) bletch. I liked the candy campfire the best.
Finally we had game time we all got soaked. I made a mistake when I got sprayed by the hose an purpose. We get water balloons and I threw it at my mom, but she stuck her hand out and it hit my teacher.
After VBS my group gets to do fun things we went bowling, had a pool party and we went to the water park. it was really fun.
I love VBS. If you go you will love it too. I wish it was every day don't you!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Marine World
I went on lots of cool rides. I went on a ride called Kong. I just got tall enough. Although I was scared in line and my head was like a ping pong ball, I really liked it! It was one of the best rides I ever went on.
The food was awesome. My mom got a cup that you could refill with any cold and refreshing drink all day and a bucket that you could do the same with, but you did it with the sticky cotton candy and buttery popcorn. Even better the refills were free!!!!! We went to Thomas town ( I didn’t want to) and made a humongous mess of popcorn and cotton candy. It looked like a hurricane had hit it.
We also saw the whale show. I sat in the front of the splash zone and was drenched head to toe. I almost got to answer a question and get a stuffed animal tiger, but the boy that was sitting right next to me got it. We didn’t see the dolphin show, but we did see dolphins. The dolphins were funny. One of them all the sudden darted up and a brown streak came out of its butt. You know what that was right?
I love Marine world. It is sooooooooo cool. How about you?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Three Wishes
If there was a such thing as magic and one day a fairy came up to me and asked if I would like three wishes. I would take them. I would wish for a baby sister, a magical fountain that would grant all my wishes, and my own pet. Here is why.
I would wish for a baby sister because I only have to brothers. I wouldn't exchange one of my brothers for one, but I would like both. A baby sister would be so nice to have around. There cute and it would be fun watching them grow up.
I would wish for a magical fountain because it would grant most of my wishes. I would love watching the sparkling water flow. I would sit by it and relax or read a book. It would comfort me. It would cool me off.
I would wish for my own pet because I am lonely. My brothers always just do stuff that I do not want to do. I would like petting it. It would be with me all the time. I would either get a puppy or a kitten.
Two of these things could be real. I wish magic was real. The world would be a better place.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For a long time I used to dream of the day I would be tall enough for California Screamin (An upside down roller coaster). It would be my first time going on one. Finally I was tall enough. One day I went to Disneyland and gazed up at the ride, but then my heart started beating so hard and I started trembling and sweating.
I was thinking about chickening out. My friends urged me to go on the ride. Finally I got in line. My stomach was bouncing all around. I waited and waited nervously in the long line. I reached the front of the line. I was sooooooo scared. My teeth were chattering. I felt like I was going to puke. I thought, “I didn’t wait in this long line for nothing”. I made up my mind I was going to go on the ride.
The people that were on the ride unloaded. I sat on the ride and buckled up. The workers checked our buckles. Countdown time! 54321 blast of. We went flying up the hill! Then soaring around the upside down loop. Finally the camera took our picture and we got of the ride. I was dizzy but happy and I went over and over again.
To this day I love big roller coasters. I like them the best of the other rides. California Screamin is one of the best rides ever!!!!!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
My room is full of butterflies. Most of my room is pink, except for one wall which is teal(my favorite color). My mom decorated it. She painted a flower border on my walls, she hung butterflies from my ceiling, she painted my walls, and put my name on my wall.
I do things such as homework, computer, or crafts at my desk under my loft bed. I love to read on my bed. It is sooooo cozy with my blanket and stuffed animals. I get ready for things in my room.
I love my room the way it is. Do you like yours? Tell me.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Do you enjoy fresh sunshine? I sure do! There is nothing like a nice Spring day. Oh No I almost forgot there could be bad parts too.
S ome of the good parts are awsome! You can go swimming. You could get a tan. Maybe lay out on the fresh and powdery sand. Ahhhhh... doesn't that sound nice? It would be perfect with a cool glass of lemonade and a cherry on top.
Uh Oh I have a sun burn. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I have a headake. The sand got into my bathing suit. The pool is www-way ttt-too ccc-cold. Teeth chatering skin burnt that can ruin a day. Look on the bright side I don't burn Ha Ha.
Well some people hate the sun. Some people love it. It is O.K any way.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Candy,Candy, and more Candy. Yum, yum, yum! I love Easter.
I had a fun Easter. When I woke up I found a fluffy,pink bath towel with my name on it[what I asked for], sparkle spray, and candy. I got ready for a breakfast at church. I got my Easter Dress on and went.
I ate a yummy breakfast of fruit, a waffle and juice.mmmmmmmmm.Then I sang Easter songs. After church I ate donuts. Then I went to my grandma's house.
I played with my cousins. We had a war against the boys. We won because we ignored them so they surrendered. We ate food and then got ready to go to the park to hunt for Easter Baskets. I found mine really quickly. I ate lots of candy then went to my cousins house to spend the night.
I had a fun Easter. Did you? I love Easter.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Today is April fools day !!!!!! I hope I don't get tricked. Well if I do I will play this trick.
This is a very sneaky prank. First get out a bowl, A half cup of flour, one and a half cups of water, and orange, yellow, or red food-coloring. If you want to make it even more disgusting add a half cup of salt. Ha ha ha.
Next stir all the ingredients in a mixing bowl until it looks like juice. You might need more water. If so add more water until it looks right. Now you have your mixture.
Finally get a cup and pour the mixture into a bowl. Ask anyone if they want some juice. If they want juice give your mixture that is in the cup to them. When they take a drink and look like they are going to puke say APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you play this joke. It will be so dumb. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Yesterday I went swimming at my friend Carolyn's house. I bet you want to know all the fun things we did!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should I tell you? I guess I will.
First we had to pick up my auntie from her house because she didn't have a car to drive in. While we drove there I sat by my two cousins Caden and Makena. Makena is 0 and Caden is two. I felt bad because it was hard to pay much attention to Caden when sitting in between both of them.
When we got there we weren't ready to swim yet, so I went and played in Carolyn's room. We blasted music from her radio and had a dance party. Then we played with her dolls. We were ready to eat lunch so we went downstairs and ate bagel bites. When we were done eating lunch we got ready to swim.
We swam in her pool and spa. Me and Carolyn dove for rings in the deep end of her pool. I got most of the rings because I can swim deeper and hold my breath longer. We got out for a while and had a cookie. Pretty soon after that Caitlin came. We had a war with my older brother Corey. We played around with squirt guns and kick-boards. Then I had to leave.
I had a fun day. I wish I could swim everyday. how about you?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do you want to know two cool things I did over spring break. I went skiing and hiked to the top of Mt. Diablo. I will tell you about their similarities and differences.
skiing at Dodge Ridge was different than Hiking on Mt. Diablo because we were on ski's. It was also different because there was lots of snow there and not really any on Mt. Diablo. There was a ton of lifts and all that other stuff.
They have similarities too. they were both a mountain. They definitely not right by my house so I had to drive to get there. I also had most of the same people with me. On both mountains the weather was so hot that I thought I was going to die. I was so tired after both things.
At Mt. Diablo there were so many wild flowers. There were also creeks and waterfalls. The ground was not snow it was dirt that was all dry and cracked. There were horses and cows.
Also there were tons of cliffs.
I had such a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to go again. I hope you enjoyed reading what I had to write.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
She doesn't have that much hair, but she has more than her dad because he is bald. She is a lot smaller than my cousin Levi. I think she looks a little like my cousin Ashlyn. she is really cute. She has a bump on her head where her scull needs to connect.
My cousin Ashlyn is happy that she has a sister. Caden is really happy that he is a big brother. He thinks that he is so old now. He hates being called a little boy. I have never seen him hold Makena, but I have seen Ashlyn hold her.
I got to hold Makena. She liked it a lot. It is cute when she makes little noises. It sometimes looks like she is smiling. I was a little scared to hold her at first because I didn't want to drop her, but that never happened. Her skin is really soft. I had a good time holding her
I love my new baby cousin. I am happy she lives close so I could see her. I can't wait to see her again.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Baby Levi
Levi has dark blue eyes. He has brown hair. He is very big. He looks like my Uncle Ryan. He also looks like my Aunt Janee' too. Levi looks like my cousin Noelle a little bit.
I got too hold my cousin Levi too. He has soft hair. He was sleeping and he breathed loudly. Then he started snorting. It was funny, but he cried.
Noelle seems happy too be a big sister. She loves him a lot. She is two years old. She kisses him a lot and loves to pet his hair. When he was still in the hospital she helped give him a bath. she did a good job.
I love to see him. I can't wait too see him again. I can't wait to have a girl cousin that my auntie is going to have very soon.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
lake tahoe
When we got to are cabin I was so exited. I ran inside. I gave the bib that I made for my Auntie's new baby to my Auntie. then I got my snow clothes on and rushed out side to play. I sledded down the sled run that my uncle made and made a mountain of snow on the side of it. I also had a snowball fight with my brother. Then I ate, watched a movie and went to bed.
The next day I woke up and went downstairs. Only me and my brother Corey were awake so we had to be quiet. We played a game and soon people woke up. We ate french toast and I made a birthday card for my cousins. Later my cousins came over. We had a snowball fight and sledded. after that we brought our sleds and made a sled run I had fun sledding down with my cousins. Later we went back to the cabin. After that we went to the Tahoe Pizza Company. my cousins and grandma had a candle on their pizza. my cousins birthdays are on the same day because they are twins. I colored a picture for my grandmas b-day card. Then we ate and went back to the cabin. They opened presents and ate cake. They went home and we went to bed.
The next day I ate some cereal and played in the snow. I drove to a place and made a good sled run. I was to scared to go on the big one. I even built a snow toilet with my uncle.The next day I had to leave so I took some pictures and played some more. everybody was upset.
I miss Lake Tahoe. I hope I get to go again. Have you ever been to lake Tahoe?
Monday, January 26, 2009
New Years at Disneyland
The hotel had lots of nice things. I liked going in the hot tub because it was relaxing and warm. The pool was also heated. It was also warm outside so I swam in the pool a little too. There were nice, comfy beds in the room, but I slept on the hard, cold, dirty carpet. The T.V was noisy and sometimes annoying.
I loved all the rides in Disneyland. My favorite ride is Splash Mountain because I like the song Zipedy Do Da I also like the big hill where you get splashed. I really love California Screamin because it is fast and goes upside down. I like the smoky red train because it goes all the way around the park. I also like the snow white ride with the seven dorfs. I like the Matter Horn also.
I liked most of the food. I loved the smell of the of the buttery popcorn. I could see and taste the melting, sticky ice cream. The cotton candy was messy and sticky and soft. I could smell the yucky hot dogs.
We loved the decorations and parades. I saw the princesses’ pretty dresses. I even saw the gold medal around an Olympic champion’s neck. There were bright lights on small world. There were reeves and ornaments everywhere. I even saw a pretty Christmas tree. In the parade I saw bright Christmas lights. I saw Santa with his white, long, fluffy beard. I saw Mickey and Minnie in there Christmas clothes ice-skating.
I miss Disneyland. I look forward to going again. Have you been to Disneyland?
I had a nice Christmas. I had lots of celebrations. I had such a nice time.