Monday, August 18, 2008


I went to Yosemite. It was really fun. Have you ever been to Yosemite. It has lots of fun things to do and cool things to see. I'll tell you about fun things me and my family did and saw.

We saw bears. Don't worry, they weren't dangerous. They were only black bears. I don't really like bears, not even black bears, but they are cool. We saw a mom and a cub run past the campsite. My four year old cousin Ashlyn said that she did not know that baby bears can run that fast. We also saw a really big bear cross the road when we were on our bikes. I was a little scared!

We saw deer too. We saw lots of baby deer. They were so cute! It was sorta scary being right up close to the bucks (male deer). I got used to it. I love Yosemite!


Auntie said...

I love Yosemite too!!!! It was tons of fun being up there with you. We missed you guys the next couple of days. We didn't see any more bears though, just a bunch of really fat squirrels! Uncle Jamie is still bummed that he missed the mamma and baby bear!
P.S. I like your blog!

Ryan P said...

That sounds like a blast. I wouldn't worry too much about the bears. The winter (just before hibernation) is the time they feed on humans anyway.

Auntie said...

You have a really cool name and cool blog. I brought you back a surprise. I will give it to you next time I see you.
Uncle Farty McFartFart.

pat and mitch said...

Clarecat: Remember when you were little and rode through Yosemite Valley with Papa and I (with training wheels?) == That was hard work, but you did it == and you liked Yosemite then, too. God has sure made the world beautiful, out, brown bears may be cute, but they can be dangerous, too. Love ya... Grammy

hershelb said...

You have done a nice job on our blog Clare. Your pictures and the stories show that you have had a busy summer.
See you soon.
Love Grandma and Grandpa