Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Levi's b.d

My cousin Levi turned 1 years old on January 28th ( I think that was it ). We celabrated it on January 31. It was cool.
When we got there I played with my cousins Levi, Caden, and Noelle while the grownups talked. I know that Levi, Caden, and Noelle are not my only cousins, but Ashlyn and Makena were not there.
In a little bit we did presents. Levi got a drum, swim stuff, a ball and my uncle's old stuffed animal Roland the lion, and finally a water table from us and the Fox family. Noelle wanted to play with the water table right then, but it was too cold.
Next we did cake ( double yum ). There was orange marmalade cake and chocolate cake. There was even two kinds of icecream vanilla and turtle tracks. I rememer how good that chocolate cake was with turtle track icecream. Speakng of cake Noelle and Levi's cousin Jake got into Ashlyn's cake we were going to bring to her. That baby must of had some stomach ache.
Finally we went off to another adventure. That was such an enjoyable day. Hurray for birthday parties!!!!!!!


Clare said...

if Aunt Janee' is on here I loved that chocolate cake!!!!!!

JaneeNoel said...

I'm really glad you liked the cake! It was so easy to make. You should try it sometime. I got the recipe here:
We really liked it too- I will definitely have to make it again!!