Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I was in a Winter Recital for school. I played a piano piece and was in a play. Maybe if you weren't there you want to know what happened.

I played a piece called "Come Back to Sorennto." I was nervous and sick when I went up there. I thought I was going to faint. I thought I would never make it through the play. Somehow I managed to make it. The play was called "A Little House Christmas." It was about the Ingalls family getting together for Christmas. I was Carrie Ingalls.

After the recital we had snacks they were so good. They were refreshing after hard work. I had juice, cookies, donuts, crackers, bagel, and lots of other things. I was happy I got the play and stuff over with. I was also proud of myself for doing it. Would you be proud of yourself?

I had a great day that day afterwards we went to the mall and went to Sonic. I had chicken and chocolate milkshake. It was good!!!!!!!!