Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Marine World

I went to Marine world. It was so fun!!! Here is what I did.

I went on lots of cool rides. I went on a ride called Kong. I just got tall enough. Although I was scared in line and my head was like a ping pong ball, I really liked it! It was one of the best rides I ever went on.

The food was awesome. My mom got a cup that you could refill with any cold and refreshing drink all day and a bucket that you could do the same with, but you did it with the sticky cotton candy and buttery popcorn. Even better the refills were free!!!!! We went to Thomas town ( I didn’t want to) and made a humongous mess of popcorn and cotton candy. It looked like a hurricane had hit it.

We also saw the whale show. I sat in the front of the splash zone and was drenched head to toe. I almost got to answer a question and get a stuffed animal tiger, but the boy that was sitting right next to me got it. We didn’t see the dolphin show, but we did see dolphins. The dolphins were funny. One of them all the sudden darted up and a brown streak came out of its butt. You know what that was right?

I love Marine world. It is sooooooooo cool. How about you?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Three Wishes

If there was a such thing as magic and one day a fairy came up to me and asked if I would like three wishes. I would take them. I would wish for a baby sister, a magical fountain that would grant all my wishes, and my own pet. Here is why.

I would wish for a baby sister because I only have to brothers. I wouldn't exchange one of my brothers for one, but I would like both. A baby sister would be so nice to have around. There cute and it would be fun watching them grow up.

I would wish for a magical fountain because it would grant most of my wishes. I would love watching the sparkling water flow. I would sit by it and relax or read a book. It would comfort me. It would cool me off.

I would wish for my own pet because I am lonely. My brothers always just do stuff that I do not want to do. I would like petting it. It would be with me all the time. I would either get a puppy or a kitten.

Two of these things could be real. I wish magic was real. The world would be a better place.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do you like upside down roller coasters?! I sure do! One day I was finally tall enough to go on one. Here is what happened.

For a long time I used to dream of the day I would be tall enough for California Screamin (An upside down roller coaster). It would be my first time going on one. Finally I was tall enough. One day I went to Disneyland and gazed up at the ride, but then my heart started beating so hard and I started trembling and sweating.

I was thinking about chickening out. My friends urged me to go on the ride. Finally I got in line. My stomach was bouncing all around. I waited and waited nervously in the long line. I reached the front of the line. I was sooooooo scared. My teeth were chattering. I felt like I was going to puke. I thought, “I didn’t wait in this long line for nothing”. I made up my mind I was going to go on the ride.

The people that were on the ride unloaded. I sat on the ride and buckled up. The workers checked our buckles. Countdown time! 54321 blast of. We went flying up the hill! Then soaring around the upside down loop. Finally the camera took our picture and we got of the ride. I was dizzy but happy and I went over and over again.

To this day I love big roller coasters. I like them the best of the other rides. California Screamin is one of the best rides ever!!!!!!!