Monday, May 18, 2009

Three Wishes

If there was a such thing as magic and one day a fairy came up to me and asked if I would like three wishes. I would take them. I would wish for a baby sister, a magical fountain that would grant all my wishes, and my own pet. Here is why.

I would wish for a baby sister because I only have to brothers. I wouldn't exchange one of my brothers for one, but I would like both. A baby sister would be so nice to have around. There cute and it would be fun watching them grow up.

I would wish for a magical fountain because it would grant most of my wishes. I would love watching the sparkling water flow. I would sit by it and relax or read a book. It would comfort me. It would cool me off.

I would wish for my own pet because I am lonely. My brothers always just do stuff that I do not want to do. I would like petting it. It would be with me all the time. I would either get a puppy or a kitten.

Two of these things could be real. I wish magic was real. The world would be a better place.

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